

It is that time of year.

I absolutely love the tradition of setting New Years Resolutions.  I am a huge advocate for continuous and conscious improvement, and so this holiday is one of my faves. 

This year I have a few specific plans in mind, and I am going to copy the "four minds" model. 
( Physical.   Mental.   Spiritual.   Emotional. )
1. Physical
Eat healthy.  Be mostly gluten-free, with the exception of whole grains.  Don't purchase gluten-free junk food more than twice a month.  Eat as though your life depended on you vigilance to eating well.  Because it does.
Sleep earlier.  Sleep longer.
Walk to / from school at least once a day.  Workout for at least 15 minutes a day.
2. Mental
Begin your afternoon with completing homework, and then do one bonus assignment or required reading before relaxing.
Read for pleasure.  Based on last semester, you have the time.
3. Spiritual
Go to the temple at least once a week.
4. Emotional
Meditate each morning.
Go to lunch with one person a week.

I think that one thing I have always been good at is having a thirst to be better.  I always look for inspiration for how I can improve or what I can do to accentuate the good qualities I do have.  If there is any one skill that I find vital it is that of self evaluation.  You can never improve if you don't know what your weaknesses are.

May this year bring good food, good friends, love, and laughter.
Make 2015 the best year of your life.

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